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Best Robot Vacuums

iRobot Roomba 980 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner


The Roomba 980 is a top of the line robot vacuum jam packed with features that you didn’t know you needed.. until now! Tangle free brushes are perfect for countering everything from pet hair to pollen and particles as small as 10 microns. The 980 comes with voice control compatibility with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, it also has an app to effertlessly set schedules for cleaning or view its progress. Virtual walls help you keep your robot on track, cleaning only in the areas that you desire. Low battery? no problem, this Roomba will dock itself and then pick back up where it left off when the battery is fully charged. You can’t go wrong with Roomba and the 980 is a great vacuum.

Samsung POWERbot Turbo Robot Vacuum R9350

Samsung really put together a master-piece of technology with the POWERbot Turbo.  Why is it so great?  We’re glad you asked.  First of all, Wi-Fi connectivity means you can use Amazon Alexa or your smartphone to start or control your robot vacuum.  Secondly, Visionary Mapping with Fullview sensors means means this bot uses a digital camera and nine individual smart sensors to map our home and avoid furniture.  Not only can it do all of this, you can remotely select which rooms you want cleaned.  Also, Point Cleaning means you can just point with a remote and the robot goes to work to ensure you get that specific area sparkling clean.  These features come with a little steeper price tag than the other Samsung robot on our list but we think living like the Jetsons is worth the extra cash.

LG Hom-Bot Square Robotic Vacuum quietly cleans every corner of your home (VR65502LV)

LG is know for their quality appliances and their venture into robotic vacuums is no exception. This robot will map your home and identifies objects that it needs to avoid, which results in less bumping into your furniture. A unique feature is the sqaure design which can reach into corners better than round vacuums which have become standard copying off of Roomba. Another great feature is a reduced suction mode for hardwood floors that will still result in sparkling floors but with a lot less noise from the vacuum, switching back to carpet automatically increases the power to ensure a deep clean.


iRobot Roomba 960 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

If you like the Roomba 980 but didn’t feel like paying that much then the Roomba 960 may be for you. The Roomba 960 includes all of the same great technology of the Roomba 980 except it is less powerful and the battery life drops to 75 minutes. if you can live with the less powerful suction (which we’ll admit is still fair from weak) then the vacuum is a great choice if you’re looking for the best but don’t want to break the bank. The battery life could be longer but the Roomba 960 will return to the dock when its battery is low and pick back up where it left off as soon as it is fully charged. All in all this is a great robot.

Samsung POWERbot R7070 Robot Vacuum


While not as powerful as the other Samsung vacuum on our list, the R7070 Powerbot is a great vacuum with many of the same features as the R9350. And at a fraction of the price this vacuum makes a great option for anyone on a budget. There are actually some things we liked better about this vacuum compared to its more expensive companion, such as the self cleaning brushes which ensure they remain free of hair tangles. The cheaper price comes at some cost though, as this vacuum only packs about half of the power of the R9350 and has a smaller dust pan. But all around this is another great vacuum which should be considered by anyone trying to save a buck.