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Best Cheap Vacuum Cleaners

BISSELL CleanView Bagless Upright Vacuum with OnePass Technology

The Bissell CleanView upright vacuum is a powerful cleaning machine capable of cleaning the toughest messes.  OnePass technology provides powerful nonstop suction and brushing action that will leave your floors clean after going over just once.  This vacuum includes a Turbo brush tool for cleaning furniture and stairs and it comes with a 2-year limited warranty.  This is a great value from a trusted brand.  Check price


Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional 

The Shark Navigator runs a little more costly than most of the vacuums on our list. However, we believe it’s worth every penny.  This vacuum features 2-in-1 versatility with the Lift-away canister for portable cleaning in hard to reach areas.  A brush shutoff button and special attachment made specifically for hardwood floors make it easy to clean your entire house with just one device.  Lots of extra attachments and a 2-year warranty make this vacuum hard to pass up.


Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Air Steerable WindTunnel Bagless Lightweight Corded Upright UH72400

Hoover has been a front-runner in the vacuum industry for a reason.  This vacuum shows just why that is the case.  It navigates smoothly thanks to their steerable technology and its very lightweight.  Easily transition from hardwood floors to carpet with a push of a button.  WindTunnel suction technology provides 3 channels of powerful suction to deep clean carpets.  Overall we’d rate this a solid vacuum at a reasonable price.

BISSELL 9595A Vacuum with OnePass – Corded

Bissell makes a lot of great vacuums, so much so that we had to place a second one on our list! This upright vacuum once again features OnePass technology’s powerful suction and brushing action that will leave your floors clean after going over just once.  This vacuum also includes a Turbo brush tool, washable filters and an easy empty dirt cup. Throw in a 2-year limited warranty and you have another great vacuum.  Check price


Dirt Devil Vacuum Cleaner Dynamite Plus Corded Bagless Upright Vacuum with Tools M084650

RED DirtDevil is know for providing quality vacuums for a more than reasonable price.  Fortunately, you don’t have to make much of a sacrifice to save some money in this case.  The lightweight and compact design make this vacuum perfect for everyday cleaning.  Add in a powerful suction and scuff guard, which traps dirt on hardwood floors without scratching delicate finishes and an automatic height adjustment for any type of carpet and you’ve got a vacuum for any task, that comes at a great price.