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Best Cheap Robot Vacuums

If you’re looking to upgrade to the future of vacuuming than take a look at these affordable state of the art robot vacuums.  They’ll have you wondering how you managed before they were around.


ILIFE V3s Robotic Vacuum Cleaner for Pets and Allergies Home

The ILIFE V3s is a sleek vacuum designed especially for pet owners.  It automatically cleans on a schedule or at the push of a button.  Need to clean a certain area?  The spot clean feature gives you the ability to get an area clean quickly without the need to let your vacuum run a full cycle.  The battery has an impressive lifetime of over an hour and a half of clean time, and when its done cleaning or low on battery it will return to the base to charge itself.  This vacuum features a dry mop for hardwood floors and is only 3 inches tall, which allows it to get in underneath your furniture and into hard to reach places.  At less than $200 dollars it’s hard to go wrong with this vacuum.

iRobot Roomba 650 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

iRobot made robots a house hold item in 2002 and they haven’t lots any steam.  The Roomba brand is miles ahead of the competition.  The Roomba 650 is the cheapest Roomba but it won’t leave you disappointed.  iAdapt Navigation cleans around clutter and avoids stairs.  It will clean your house and then return to base to charge so it’s ready to go when you need it.  You can’t go wrong with the company that practically invented the robot vacuum.


bObi Classic Robotic Vacuum Cleaner, Snow

If you’re looking for a complete cleaning machine than look no further than the bObi Classic.  It simultaneously sweeps, vacuums, mops, UV sterilizes and HEPA filtrates.  If these are features that you’re looking for then this is a great value.  If you can do without all the extras then go with one of the other vacuums on this list.


Eufy RoboVac 11, High Suction, Self-Charging Robotic Vacuum Cleaner


The Eufy RoboVac 11 is a great alternative to the Roomba 650 if you’re looking for best value for you’re money.   With a lot of the same features and reviews on par with its more expensive counterpart it’s hard to go wrong.  Especially if this is you’re first venture into the household robot world this is the vacuum for you.


Neato Botvac D3 Connected Navigating Robot Vacuum

The Neato Botvac is slightly more expensive than the other vacuums one our list but it’s got too many cool features to leave it off.  At just $400 you can get Wi-Fi connectivity and app control along with other features only found in high-end robot vacuums.  Laser navigation scans and maps your floors while it cleans.   The unique shape was created to clean in corners where dirt can hide from other robot vacuums.  It is more expensive but in this case we feel that the extra cost is easily made up for with a cool piece of technology.